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Waival Of Revenue Stamp For All Payments On The Basis Of ECS

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Waival of revenue stamp for all payments on the basis of ECS

Waival of revenue stamp for all payments on the basis of ECSNo.Pay/Tech-I/0195/XXX

Dated: 04/05/2018

All CFA(Fys)/All Branch AOs

Subject: Waival of revenue stamp for all payments on the basis of ECS

A point has been scheduled to be raised in the forthcoming 23rd Ordinary Meeting of OFB JCM-III Level regarding affixing of Revenue Stamp on bills etc. It is alleged that some factories are insisting to affix Revenue stamp on bills above Rs 5000/- on or bills above Rs 25000/- while making payments through banks. In this connection please find enclosed herewith this office letter bearing No Pay Tech-I/0195 dated 8/12/2011 wherein detailed guidelines have been elaborated. It is, therefore, advised to follow scrupulously the guidelines laid down therein to avoid unnecessary confusion/ doubt while making payments made through ECS.

Addl CofA(Fys)

Office of the Principal Controller of Accounts (Fys)

10A, S.K. Bose Road, Kolkata – 700001

No. Pay/Tech-I/0195

Dated: 08/12/1011

The Secretary
A/A Section,

Sub: Proposal for waive of Revenue Stamp for all payments on the basis of ECS.

Ref: Your No. 111/A/A dated 08-11-2011

With reference to above cited letter please refer to Exception below Rule 92(1) of Swamy’s Compilation of Central Government Account, Receipts and Payments Rules which states- ”In case of payment credited directly to the bank account of the officers/staff the acknowledgement of the bank branches for the cheque sent to them is to be watched by the Drawing and Disbursing Officers and confirmation made to Pay and Accounts Office. No formal quittance is to be obtained from the bank or officers/staff”. As such stamped receipt may not be insisted upon if payment is made through ECS.

Asst. Controller of Accounts (Fys.)


Railway Board - TA/DA, PF, Pass, Medical And Accommodation Facilities

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TA/DA, PF, Pass, Medical and accommodation facilities to the contract Para-Medical Staff working in Railways

No.II/57/Part I

Dated: 08/05/2018

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: TA/DA, PF, Pass, Medical and accommodation facilities to the contract Para-Medical Staff working in Railways-reg.

Federation is thankful to the Railway Board for issuing instructions vide letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy/Pt. I dated 12/04/2018 to revise the remuneration of Para-Medical Staff on contracts basis working in the Railway Health Units/Hospitals on Indian Railways.

Federation however feels that the Para-Medical Staff, working on contract basis deserve to be granted following facilities which are presently denied to them:-

No TA/DA is paid to these staff when they are sent on duty to other places,
No Provident Fund is deducted from their monthly remuneration and credited to respective EPFO,
These staff are not granted the facility of Pass/PTo, Medical, accommodation etc., though they have been performing duties similar to the regular Para-Medical Railway Staff. They are also not provided periodic rest other than Sunday while they have been performing duties of 12 hours in a day.
Federation also contends that the Para-Medical Staff working on contract basis are entitled for above facilities in terms of the extant provisions of Contract Labour R&A Act, 1970.

NFIR, therefor, requests the Railway Board to kindly consider above points and issue instructions to the GMs of Zonal Railways to grant facilities to the Para-Medical Staff working on contract basis and mitigate their hardships.

A copy of instructions issued may also be endorsed to the Federation.

Yours faithfully,

General Secretary

Source: NFIR

DoPT - CEA Amount Fixed For Reimbursement Rs.2250/ Per Month

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Amount Fixed for Reimbursement of CEA 2250 pm

Amount fixed for reimbursement of Children Education allowance will be Rs. 2250/- per month

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Old JNU Compus, New Delhi,
Dated: 9th May, 2018

Sub:- Clarification in respect of Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of Railways O.M. No.E(W)2014/ED-2/3 dated 18.04.2018 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the amount fixed for reimbursement of Children Education allowance will be Rs. 2250/- per month. This amount of Rs. 2250 is fixed irrespective of the actual expenses incurred by the Govt. Servant.

(Sandeep Saxena)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Source: AIRF

DoPT Orders - Election Paid Holidays For Karnataka Govt Employees

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Election Holidays Dopt Orders – Karnataka Election on 12.05.2018

General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Karnatka-2018 – Grant of Paid Holiday on 12.5.2018

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Establishment (JCA-2) Section

North Block, New Delhi
Dated May 11, 2018


Subject: General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Karnatka-2018 – Grant of Paid Holiday – regarding

The undersigned is directed to state that in connection with the General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Karnataka-2018, to be held on 12.05.2018 (Saturday), the guidelines already issued by this Department vide OM No.12/ 14/99-JCA dated 10.10.2001 would have to be followed for the Central Government Offices, including industrial establishments, in the State.

2. The above instructions may please be brought to the notice of all concerned.

(Raju Saraswat)
Under Secretary (JCA)

View order here


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