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Revised Basic Pay Calculator as per 7th CPC Gazette Notification

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Revised Basic Pay Calculator as per 7th CPC Gazette Notification

Fixation of pay in the revised pay structure : The pay in the applicable Level in the Pay Matrix shall be the pay obtained by multiplying the existing basic pay by a factor of 2.57, rounded off to the nearest rupee and the figure so arrived at will be located in that Level in the Pay Matrix and if such an identical figure corresponds to any Cell in the applicable Level of the Pay Matrix, the same shall be the pay, and if no such Cell is available in the applicable Level, the pay shall be fixed at the immediate next higher Cell in that applicable Level of the Pay Matrix.

Enter your 6th CPC Pay details and get your revised pay as per Revised Pay Rules 2016. (Bunching Updated and also download your revised pay summary as image in your device for further reference)

Reckoning GP 4200 PB-2 as entry grade pay for granting financial upgradation under MACPS

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Reckoning GP 4200/- PB-2 as entry grade pay for granting financial upgradation under MACPS to the Pharmacist category – reg.

NO. IV/MACPS/09/Part 10

Dated: 07/02/2017

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi.

Dear Sir,
Sub: Reckoning GP 4200/- PB-2 as entry grade pay for granting financial upgradation under MACPS to the Pharmacist category – reg.

Ref: (i) NFIR’s letter No. IV/MACPS/09/Part 10 dated 30/08/2016 and 22/12/2016.
(ii) Railway Board’s reply vide No. PC-V/2011/M/4/NFIR dated 24/01/2017.

Federation does not agree with the view taken by the Railway Board by misinterpretation of the contents of DoP&T’s OM dated 4th Feb 1992. In this connection, Federation once again cities below the facts which have been ignored by the Board while considering the demand.

• It is true that vide para 2 of the said OM, while the DoP&T has laid down criteria for assessing the suitability of the incumbents of the posts due to revision of pay scales/upgradation, at the same time in sub-para 2 of the same OM, it has been clarified that where the upgradation involves replacement scale without higher responsibilities or higher qualification but with higher eligibility of service, in such situation suitability may not be assessed.

• It has been further clarified that those who fulfil the criteria of qualifying service, should be appointed to the upgraded post from the date on which they complete the qualifying service.

• The condition stipulated in sub-para 2 of DoP&T’s OM dated 4th Feb 1992 has been fulfilled by the Pharamacists who though recruited in GP 2800 have been appointed to GP 2800 have been appointed to GP 4200 (6th CPC) on completion of 2 years service in GP2800/- (PB-!).
The plea taken by the Railway Board that the said OM of DoP&T is appplicable for assessing the suitability of the incumbents, is therefore, misconceived, illogical and unjustified. On the other hand, the case of Pharmacists for granting MACP benefit is required to be dealt applying the provisions contained in the DoP&T’s OM dated 4th Feb, 1992.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to review its stand and issue clarificatory instructions to the Zones etc., allowing MACP to the Pharmacists. Copy of instructions may be endorsed to the Federation.

Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M.Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

Source: NFIR

Grant of Advances- 7th CPC To Railway Servants On Computer Advance

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Grant of Advances- Seventh Central Pay Commission recommendations-Amendment to rules on Computer Advance to Railway servants.

Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)

No.I/11-Part I
PC-VII No : 15/2017

RBE No. 10/2017
No. F(E) Spl./2016/ADV.4/1(7th CPC)

The General Managers and FA&CAOs
All Indian Railways & Production Units
(As per standard list)

Subject: Grant of Advances- Seventh Central Pay Commission recommendations-Amendment to rules on Computer Advance to Railway servants.

Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission, the Ministry of Finance vide their OM No. 12(1)/E.II(A)/2016 dated 07.10.2016 have amended the eligibility criteria in the existing provisions relating to the grant of Personal Computer Advance.

2. Amendment conditions of grant of Computer Advance are as follows:
Advance Quantum Eligibility Criteria
Personal Computer Advance ƻ50,000/- or actual price of PC, whichever is lower. All Government Servants
The Computer Advance will be allowed maximum five times in the entire service.
The other terms and conditions governing the grant of Personal computer advance shall remain unchanged.

3. Further, Ministry of Finance in their ibid OM have also decided that the other interest bearing advances relating to Motor Car Advance and Motorcycle/Scooter/Moped Advance will stand discontinued.

3. Further, Ministry of Finance in their ibid OM have also decided that the other interest bearing advances relating to Motor Car Advance and Motorcycle/Scooter/Moped Advance will stand discontinued.
4. The above mentioned OM of Ministry of Finance relating to grant of interest bearing advances will apply mutatis-mutandis to Railway employees also.
4.1 So far as the interest free advances are concerned, Bicycle and Warm clothing advances stands abolished for Railway employees also in terms of MoF’s decision.
4.2 Orders relating to other interest free advances will be issued separately by concerned Directorates.

5. Necessary Advance Correction Slip to the chapter XI of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol.I Revised Edition, 1989 will follow.

6. The revised orders are effective from 07.10.2016 i.e. the date of the issue of the aforesaid OM of the Ministry of Finance. Past cases where the advances have already been sanctioned under the provisions of earlier rules on the subject need not be reopened.

7. Please acknowledge receipt.

8. Hindi version will follow.

(A.C. Jain)
Dy. Director Finance (Estt.)
Railway Board

Source: NFIR

Income Tax FAQ - Taxable Allowances/ Non Taxable Allowances

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What are allowances? Are all allowances taxable? – INCOME TAX FAQ

​What is considered as salary income?

​​​ section 17​​ of the Income-tax Act defines the term ‘salary’. However, not going into the technical definition, generally whatever is received by an employee from an employer in cash, kind or as a facility [perquisite] is considered as salary.

​What are allowances? Are all allowances taxable?

Allowances are fixed periodic amounts, apart from salary, which are paid by an employer for the purpose of meeting some particular requirements of the employee. E.g., Tiffin allowance, transport allowance, uniform allowance, etc.
There are generally three types of allowances for the purpose of Income-tax Act – taxable allowances, fully exempted allowances and partially exempted allowances.​

My employer reimburses to me all my expenses on grocery and children’s education. Would these be considered as my income?

​Yes, these are in the nature of perquisites and should be valued as per the rules prescribed in this behalf.​​

During the year I had worked with three different employers and none of them deducted any tax from salary paid to me. If all these amounts are clubbed together, my income will exceed the basic exemption limit. Do I have to pay taxes on my own?

​Yes, you will have to pay self-assessment tax and file the return of income.​

Even if no taxes have been deducted from salary, is there any need for my employer to issue Form-16 to me?

​​Form-16 is a certificate of TDS. In your case it will not apply. However, your employer can issue a salary statement.​

​Is pension income taxed as salary income?

​Yes. However, pension received from the United Nations Organisation is exempt.​​

Is Family pension taxed as salary income?

​No, it is taxable as income from other sources.​

​If I receive my pension through a bank who will issue Form-16 or pension statement to me- the bank or my former employer?​​

The bank.​

Are retirement benefits like PF and Gratuity taxable?

​​In the hands of a Government employee Gratuity and PF receipts on retirement are exempt from tax. In the hands of non-Government employee, gratuity is exempt subject to the limits prescribed in this regard and PF receipts are exempt from tax, if the same are received from a recognised PF after rendering continuous service of not less than 5 years.​

Are arrears of salary taxable?

​​​​Yes. However, the benefit of spread over of income to the years to which it relates to can be availed for lower incidence of tax. This is called as relief u/s 89​ of the Income-tax Act.​​

​Can my employer consider relief u/s 89 for the purposes of calculating the TDS from salary?

​​Yes, if you are a Government employee or an employee of a PSU or company or co-operative society or local authority or university or institution or association or body. In such a case you need to furnish Form No. 10E to your employer. ​​

​My income from let out house property is negative. Can I ask my employer to consider this loss against my salary income while computing the TDS on my salary?

​Yes, however, losses other than losses under the head ‘Income from house property’ cannot be set-off while determining the TDS from salary.​​

​Is leave encashment taxable as salary?

​​It is taxable if received while in service. Leave encashment received at the time of retirement is exempt in the hands of the Government employee. In the hands of non-Government employee leave encashment will be exempt subject to the limit prescribed in this behalf under the Income-tax Law.​

​Are receipts from life insurance policies on maturity along with bonus taxable?​

As per section 10(10D), any amount received under a life insurance policy, including bonus is exempt from tax. However, following receipts would be subject to tax:
Any sum received under sub-section (3) of section 80DD; or
Any sum received under Keyman insurance policy; or
Any sum received in respect of policies issued on or after April 1st, 2003, in respect of which the amount of premium paid on such policy in any financial year exceeds 20% (10% in respect of policy taken on or after 1st April, 2012) of the actual capital sum assured; or
Any sum received for insurance on life of *specified person (issued on or after April 1st 2013) in respect of which the amount of premium exceeds 15% of the actual capital sum assured.

* Any person who is –

i) A person with disability or severe disability specified under section 80U​; or

ii) suffering from disease or ailment as specified in the rule made under section 80DDB.

Following points should be noted in this regard:
Exemption is available only in respect of amount received from life insurance policy.
Exemption under section 10(10D)​ is unconditionally available in respect of sum received for a policy which is issued on or before March 31, 2003.
Amount received on the death of the person will continue to be exempt without any condition.​


30% Pay Element On 7th CPC Pay Matrix Levels.

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Pay element in the case of Loco Inspectors – 30% addition to 7th CPC pay matrix for retirement benefits – reg.

No. IV/RSAC/Conf./Pt.VII

Dated: 08/02/2017

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Pay element in the case of Loco Inspectors – 30% addition to 7th CPC pay matrix for retirement benefits – reg.
Ref: (i) NFIR’s demand in the Board PNM meeting held on 22nd & 23rd December, 2016 for continuance of 55% & 30% pay element on 7th CPC pay matrix levels.
(ii) Railway Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2015/RS-25 dated 24/01/2017.

Pursuant to NFIR’s references and discussions held in the Railway Board PNM meeting on 22nd 23rd December, 2016, the Railway Board vide letter dated 24/01/2017 has issued instructions to the GMs of Zonal Railways to reckon add-on pay element of 55% on 7th CPC pay matrix levels for calculation of emoluments for the purpose of retirement benefits and 30% for other purposes to the running staff as per IREM provisions and extant instructions.

In the above context, NFIR brings to the notice of the Railway Board that in terms of the extant instructions (Railway Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II/83/RS-10(IV) dated 25/11/1992) contained in para 5.5 of Board’s letter dated 25/11/1992, the running staff deployed as Loco Inspectors are entitled for 30% addition to their basic pay for the purpose of pensionary benefits. Those Loco Inspectors retired/retiring w.e.f. January 2016 are required to be granted retirement benefits with 30% add on to their pay in the 7th CPC pay matrix level, but, however in the absence of Railway Board’s instructions, some Zonal Railways are entertaining doubts and denying benefit of 30% on revised pay matrix.

NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to issue suitable clarification to the Zonal Railways to ensure 30% addition to the 7th CPC pay matrix of Loco Inspectors for payment of retiral benefit similar to runnign staff for whom 55% addition is allowed. A copy of the instruction issued may be endorsed to the Federation.

Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

Source: NFIR

3years Induction Training For The Post Of Technicians III (Pay Matrix Level 2)

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Induction training of Engineering Degree/Diploma Holder Compassionate appointees – training period duration – reg.


Dated: 08/02/2017

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Kind attention D.G./Personnel

Dear Sir,
Sub: Induction training of Engineering Degree/Diploma Holder Compassionate appointees – training period duration – reg.

It has been brough to NFIR’s notice that the candidates selected on compassionate ground for the post of Technicians III (Pay Matrix level 2) are being subjected to 3 years induction training although they possess Engineering Degree/Diploma qualification. Federation feels sad to mention that such technically qualified candidates are not even treated at par with the ITI certificate holders/act apprentices who are imparted only 6 months training prior to their absorption as Technician III, GP 1900/revised pay matrix level 2.

NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to kindly review the extant policy and issue instructions to the Zonal railways, PUs, etc., (particularly South Western Railway) to offer the post commensurating with their technical qualification in higher grades pay/revised pay matrices on compassionate ground. When they are found suitable for Technician III post only, their, training period be limited 6 months as in vogue in the case of ITI certificate holders/act apprentices. Revised instructions on these lines may kindly be issued soon.

Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

Source: NFIR

Employment News Weekly Highlights – 11.2.2017 to 17.2.2017

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Employment News Weekly Highlights – 11.2.2017 to 17.2.2017

This week Employment News has published some important vacancies through its official portal. In that the Ordnance Factory Medak under the Ministry of Defence required 370 technicians as Electrician, Fitter, Machinist, Welder. And the last date to apply for the posts by 10th March, 2017.


Name Of Post : Regional Director, Skipper, Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor, Medical Officers
No.of Vacancies : 83
Last Date :02.03.2017

Name Of Post : Jr.Engineering Assistant IV, Jr. Quality Control Analyst IV, Jr. Technical Assistant IV etc
No.of Vacancies : 94
Last Date :27.02.2017

Name Of Post : Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor
No.of Vacancies : 98
Last Date :14.03.2017

Name Of Post : Electrician, Fitter, Machinist, Welder etc
No.of Vacancies : 370
Last Date :10.03.2017

Name Of Post : Senior Resident
No.of Vacancies : 89
Last Date :20.02.2017

Name Of Post : Assistant Geologist, Assistant Chemist, Assistant Geophysicist
No.of Vacancies : 35
Last Date :03.03.2017

Source :

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