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DoE Order - Time-limit For Submission Of Claims For Travelling Allowances

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Time-limit for submission of claims for Travelling Allowances

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi, the 13th March, 2018

Office Memorandum

Sub: Time-limit for submission of claims for Travelling Allowances – regarding.

Consequent upon the issuance of General Financial Rule (GFR)-2017, vide Rule 290 of GFR-2017, time-limit for submission of claim for Travelling Allowance (TA) has been changed from one year to sixty days succeeding the date of completion of the journey. Accordingly, in supersession of this Department’s O.M. No.F.5(16)-E.IV(B)/67 dated 13.06.1967 & OM No.19038/1/75-E.IV (B) dated 18.02.1976, it has been decided with the approval of competent Authority that the claim of a Govt. servant to Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance on Tour/Transfer/Training/Journey on Retirement, is forfeited or deemed to have been relinquished if the claim for it is not preferred within sixty days succeeding the date of completion of the journey.

2. ln respect of claim for Travelling Allowance for journey performed separately by the officer and members of his family, the dates should be reckoned separately for each journey and the claim shall be submitted within sixty days succeeding the date of completion of each individuai journey. Similarly, TA claims in r/o transportation of personal effects and conveyance shall be submitted within sixty days succeeding the date on which these are actually delivered to the Govt. servant at the new station.

3. The date of submission of the claims shall be determined as indicated below :-

(i) ln the case of Officers who are their own Controlling Officer The date of presentation of the claim at the Treasury-Cash Section.
(ii) ln the case of Officers who are not their own Controlling Officer The date of submission of the claim to the Head of Office-Controlling Officer.
4. In the case of claims falling under category 3(ii), which are presented to the Treasury after a period of sixty days succeeding the date of completion of journey, the date of submission of the claim

will be counted from the date when it was submitted by the Govt. servant to the Head of office/Controlling Officer within prescribed time-limit of sixty days.

5. A claim for Travelling Allowance of a Govt, servant which has been allowed to remain in abeyance for a period exceeding one year should be investigated by the Head of the Department concerned, lf the Head of Department is satisfied about the genuineness of the claim on the basis of the supportive documents and there are valid reasons for the delay in preferring the claims, the claims should be paid by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer or Accounts Officer, as the case may be, after usual checks.

6. These orders are not applicable in r/o Leave Travel Concession (LTC) claims which are governed by separate set of rules of DoPT.

7. These orders shall be effective from the date of issue of this O.M.

8. ln so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department are concerned, this order issues in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of lndia.

(Nirmala Dev)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of lndia


UGC Order - Implementation Of Reservation Policy

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Implementation of Reservation Policy – UGC Order dt. 5.3.2018

UGC Letter reg.:Implementation of Reservation Policy of the Government of India.


05 March, 2018

The Registrar(s)
All Central Universities
All State Universities receiving grant-in-aid
Deemed to be Universities receving grant-in-aid by UGC/Government
Inter University Centres of UGC

Subject: Implementation of Resenation Policy of the Government of India — Reg.


With reference to the above subject, I am to inform that for implementation of reservation policy of the Central Government. MHRD vide order No.6-30/2005-U5 dated 6th December, 2005 directed the UGC to ensure effective implementation of the reservation policy in the Central Universities and those of Institutions Deemed 10 Universities receiving aid from the public funds except in minority institutions under Article of the Constitution. Accordingly, UGC, vide letter No.1-5/2006(SCT) dated 25-08-2006, circulated new Guidelines for strict implementation of Reservation Policy of the Government. This has been further reiterated by MHRD O.M.No.12-60/2013-UI dated 25-6-2013.

The Ministry of Human Resource Development vide its letter No. 1-7/2017-CU.V dated 06-09-2017 has directed the UGC to examine the issues mentioned in judgments (10 in number) quoted by the Hon’ble High Court Of Allahabad, in its order dated 07-04-2017 and submit its recommendations to MHRD for their consideration and appropriate decision.

Accordingly, UGC had constituted a Committee and submitted its recommendations to Ministry of Human Resource Development on 07-11-2017. Thereafter, in compliance of the judgement Of the Allahahad High Court upheld by the Hon’ble Supreme Court Of India and in view of tendered by the DOPT and recommendations Of the UGC, MHRD vide its O.M.No.1-7/2017-CU.V dated 22.2.2018; has intimated that the department’s O.M. No.12-60/2-13-UI dated 25-06-2013 stands amended to the extent mentioned below in the UGC guidelines 2006, in accordance with the recommendations of the UGC, which are as under:
“(i) Clause 6(c);
In case of reservation SC/ST, all the Universities, Deemed to be Universities, Colleges and other Grant-in-Aid institutions and Centres shall prepare the roster system keeping the Department Subject as a unit for an levels of teachers as applicable.
(ii) Clause 8(a)(v):
The roster, department-wise, shall be applied to the total number of posts in each of the categories [(e.g.) Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor] within the Department/Subject”.
The above decision may also be circulated to its constituent and affiliated colleges for immediate follow up action.

You requested to prepare fresh within month of receipt of this letter under intimation to UGC.

This isues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Yours faithfully,
(Dev Swarup)


Guidelines For Payment Of Children Education Allowance As Per 7th CPC

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Guidelines for Payment of Children Education Allowance as per 7th CPC

CEA & Hostel Subsidy claims from April-17 to June-17 shall payable at the old rates as per 6th CPC and new rates of 7th CPC shall be applicable from July-17 onwawrds

South Eastern Railway

Office of the Sr. Divl. Personnel Officer,
Dated: 08.02.2018

To, All Concerned  of CKP Division.

Sub: Guidelines for Payment of Children Education Allowance as per 7th CPC.

Ref: 1) Rly Board’s letter No.E(W) 2008/ED-2/4 Dated 01.10.2008.

2) RIY Board’s letter No.E(W)2017/ED-2/3 Dated-12.10.2017.

In terms of RBE NO.147/2017 vide Railway Board’s letter No.E(W) 2017/ED-2/3 Dated- 12.10.2017, the mode of application and of Children Education Allowance has been modified. Accordingly, it has decided to adopt the following procedure as per new methodology for payment of CEA re-imbursement as under:

1) Application Procedure:

1) The amount fixed re-imbursement of CEA shall be Rs.2250 PM and Rs.6750 PM Hostel subsidy w.e.f. 01.01.2017

2) The above allowance will be double for Disabled children.

3) The application for re-imbursement shall be done after the completion of the evry financial year i.e. application for FY 2017-18 will be made on or after 01.04.2018. Draft format of application is placed below at Annexure ‘A’ for approval.

4) The application for re-imbursement shall contain a bonafide Certificate from the Head of Institution, where the ward of government employees studies, will be sufficient for this purpose. The certificate should confirm that the child studied in the school during the previous academic year. Draft format of certificate to be obtained from Head of Institution is placed below at Annexure ‘B’ for approval.

5) The Bonafide certificate to ensure that the child has studied in the school in that Financial year should be issued as per the prescribed format only and that may or may not be necessarily in the School Letter Head.

6) Similarly for claiming Hostel Subsidy, a certificate from Head of Institution will suffice, with additional requirement that the certificate should mention the amount of expenditure incurred by the government servant towards lodging and boarding in the residential complex. So that the amount of expenditure incurred, or the ceiling as mentioned above, whichever is lower shall be paid to the employee.

7) If the both the Spouses are Government employee, the applicant should declare his/her spouse has not claimed the allowance, and will be liable to be taken under D&AR if it is found to be false at later date.

8) All other eligibility criteria’s, terms & conditions as given by Railway Board time-to-time shall remain in force for re-imbursement of CEA.

II) Schedule of Payment and forwarding of application:

1) The complete application alongwith all necessary enclosures should reach Sr.DPO’s office or Bill Compiling Unit by 15th May of every next financial year i.e. application for claims of 2017-18 should be submitted by 10.05.2018.

2) The CEA claims shall be eligible for the first two (02) surviving children whose name are included in the Family composition i.e. Pass declaration & register, Form-6 of the employee and in IPAS family details also. Before submitting an application for CEA, the concerned employee should ensure that his/her child’s name is included in the family composition records available with ‘P’ Branch or Unit. The Bill dealer should also ensure that the entire family composition of the claimant has been entered in the IPAS family details modules.

3) The applications as received from the Units, the respective Bill dealers will scrutinize the application and make necessary entries in IPAS CEA module by 10th June of every year and forward the same to associated Accounts for vetting and similarly accounts will vet the CEA by 10th July of the year.

4) The vetted CEA shall be uploaded in Pay Roll system in the salary payment for the month of July of the year. If sufficient funds are not available, the payment shall be in the consequent month whenever the funds are available.

5) Belated application shall be processed separately for arranging payment in the subsequent months.

6) It would be the primary responsibility of the Unit In-charge/Supervisor to collect the CEA applications alongwith necessary Bonafide certificates and Hostel subsidy receipts from the employees under their control and forward the same to Sr.DPO’s office or Bill compiling unit by 15th May duly certifying the family composition details available in Pass declaration/register. The all consolidated CEA applications shall be accepted only with proper forwarding/covering letter and the applications should not be forwarded in piece meal manner.

NB: The CEA & Hostel Subsidy claims from April-17 to June-17 shall payable at the old rates as per 6th CPC and new rates of 7th CPC shall be applicable from July-17 onwawrds.

This has the approval of Sr.DPO/CKP and Sr.DFM/CKP.

Asstt. Personnel Officer
For Sr.Divl. Personnel Officer

Children Education Allowance For The Year 2017-2018

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New Methodology of Application and Schedule of Payment towards Children Education Allowance


Divisional Office
Personnel Department,
Mysore-570 001

Dated: 05.03.2018

No.Y/P. 483/Gen/Bills

Sub: Children Education Allowance for the year 2017-2018.

Ref: 1. Rly. Bds letter No.E(W)2008/ED-2/4 dated 01.10.2008
2. Rly. Bds letter No.E(W)2017/ED-2/3 dated 12.10.2017 (RBE No. 147/2017)

Railway Board has communicated the revised rates for Children Education Allowance (CEA) and the new method of application and payment/reimbursement of CEA, vide letter under reference, as per the Board’s letter are as under:

1.The amount fixed for reimbursement of CEA will be Rs. 2250/- om., and Rs.6750/- pm for Hostel Subsidy.

2.The reimbursement will be done just once a year, i.e. after completion of the financial year.

3.For reimbursement of CEA, a Certificate from the Head of the Institution, where the ward of the government employee studies, will be sufficient. The certificate should confirm that the child studied in the school during the previous academic year. (Proforma-I enclosed)

4.However, for hostel subsidy, a similar certificate from the Head of the Institution with additional requirement regarding amount of expenditure incurred by the government servant towards lodging and boarding in the residential complex are to be furnished. (RBE No. 147/2017). The amount of expenditure mentioned, or the ceiling, Rs.6,750/- pm, whichever is lower shall be paid to the employee. Employees are required to be submitted bonafide certificate for hostel subsidy as per the proforma-II enclosed.

5.Hostel subsidy is reimbursable only in case of child studying in a residential school and staying in hostel of the said residential school.

6.The allowance will be double for differently abled children. (RBE No. 10/2018)
Scheduled for payment of CEA for the year 2017-18:

1.Applications for reimbursement/payment of CEA will be collected after the completion of financial year 2017-18 i.e. from 01.04.2018 up to 15.05.2018.

2.The received applications will be scrutinised and processed for sanction and vetting from Associate Finance through online i.e. on IPAS.

3.To ensure that the child/ward has studied during the academic Year, a bonafide Certificate from the school has to be obtained as per the prescribed proforma-I enclosed. This can also be in any format given by the school.

4.If both the spouses are Government servants, the applicant should declare that His/her spouse has not claimed the allowance, and will be liable for action under D & AR if it is found to be false at a later date.

5.Claims shall be admissible only for the First two surviving children whose names are included in the Family Composition. Before submitting an application for CEA, every employee should ensure that his/her child’s name is included in the Family Composition Certificate which was sent to Personnel Department for scanning and uploading to IPAS system or else such claims will not be processed.

6.It is also necessary to enclose the copy of employee’s Family Composition Details along with CEA application duly certified by the concerned supervisory officials.

7.The supervisory officials are requested to collect the applications of the employees working under them with bonafide certificates or original fee receipts/cash bills for hostel subsidy and forward the same to this Office in a one bunch under a covering letter duly listing the names for further process. Applications without covering letter shall not be entertained.

8.CEA application can also be downloaded from SWR website i.e. on the following link:- About us -> Division -> Mysuru -> Personnel Branch -> Forms to download.

This has the approval of Competent Authority


Railway Services (Revised Pay) Amendment Rules, 2018

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Amendment in Conditions for Granting of Pay Matrix Level 8 to Level 10

Railway Services (Revised Pay) Amendment Rules, 2018

Conditions Revised for Granting of Pay Matrix Level 8 to Level 10

(Railway Board)

New Delhi, the 8th March, 2018
RBE No. 37/2018

G.S.R. 210(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso of Article 309 of the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following amendment in Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 namely :-

1. These Rules may be called Railway Services (Revised Pay) Amendment Rules, 2018.

2. Below Note 2 of the Schedule to Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, Note 3 may be inserted as under :-

“In supersession of the existing conditions regarding grant of Level 10 to 80% of Group ‘B’ Officers of all Organised Services including Accounts Department after 3 years regular service, for Group ‘B’ Officers of all Organised Services other than Accounts Department, the revised scale of Level 10 will now be granted after completion of four years regular service in the grade of Level 8. For Group ‘B’ Officers of Accounts Department, the revised scale of Level 10 will now be granted after completion of four years service in the grade of Level-9.

The revised scale of Level 10 may be operated to the extent of 100% of the Group ‘B’ Officers on roll including Group ‘B’ Officers officiating in the revised scale Level 11 on ad-hoc basis (subject to fulfilment of eligibility conditions) in respect of all organised services, with effect from the date of publication of these rules and thereafter with effect from 1st January and 1st July of subsequent years”.

Explanatory Memorandum

The amendment to the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 has been necessitated by the Government’s acceptance of 7th CPC recommendations modifying the 80:20 distribution within Group ‘B’ as provided in Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules vide notification dated 05.02.1998 and 25.04.2003.

[F. No. PC-VII/2017/RSRP/1]


Refer 7th CPC Pay Matrix Level 9 and 10

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