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NFIR - Re-Fixation Of Pay Of Running Staff In 7th CPC Pay Level

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Re-fixation of pay of Running Staff in 7th CPC pay level – NFIR

No.I/2/Part IV

Dated: 02/04/2018

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Re-fixation of pay of Running Staff in 7th CPC pay level-

Ref: (i) NFIR’s PNM Item No. 05/2017.

(ii) Railway Board’s letter No. PC-VII/2016/IC/2 dated 21/08/2017 (RBE No. 99/2017)
(iii) NFIR’s letter No. I/2/Part IV dated 20/02/2018.
(iv) Railway Board’s letter No. PC-VIII/2017/R-U/37 dated 07/03/2018 addressed to GS/NFIR.

With reference to reply received from Railway Board vide letter dated 07/03/2018. Federation cites below the specific cases where the running staff promoted during the period July and December, 2016 have not been granted pay re-fixation duly obtaining their option.

(i) On Raipur Division of South East Central Railway, 53 Guard (Goods) PB-I + GP 2800/- were promoted to Senior Guard (Goods) in PB-2 + GP 4200/- on dated 29/07/2016. A copy of notification issued by the Sr. DPO, Raipur Division on 27/07/2016 is enclosed as Annexure to this letter.

(ii) Similarly, 127 Assistant Loco Pilot in PB-I + GP 2400/- were promoted to Loco Pilot (Goods) PB-2 + GP 4200/- on 08th December, 2016 on Kota Division on West Central Railway.

Federation also visualizes that there might be similar cases of Running and other category staff on the different Divisions/Zones where the re-option opportunity not given, resulting loss of fixation benefit.

In this connection, Federation desires to state that in the above situations, the staff were eligible to be continued in the 6th CPC grade pay on promotion and equally opt for a date from which, they should be switched over to 7th CPC pay. These staff when submitted their options to the respective Administrations, they were denied the pay fixation after promotion date, though permissible under the rules. Cases cited above are sufficient to prove that injustice has been done to those promoted in between July and December, 2016 by denying option for pay fixation in 7th CPC pay level after the date of promotion.

NFIR therefore, once again requests the Railway Board to issue clear; classificatory instructions to the Zones, Production Units etc for allowing pay re-fixation in respect of staff who have been promoted during July-December, 2016 on the basis of their option/re-option.

A copy of instructions issued may be endorsed to the Federation.

Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary.

Source: NFIR

CGDA - Review Of Hard And Tenure Stations

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Review of hard and tenure stations – CGDA


Circular No. 25012(1)(17)/AN-X/Unpopular

Dated: 28/03/2018


Subject: Review of hard and tenue stations
Reference: HQrs office letter No.25012/AN/X/2014 dated 15.17.2014.

As you are that certain stations have been categorized as ‘Hard’ and ‘Tenure’ stations for the purpose of transfer/posting. In order to rotate staff/officers at hard and tenure stations, a fixed tenure has been prescribed for each of the stations.

2. The service conditions and the accessibility of facilities at various hard and tenure stations continue to change from time to time. Overall economic and infrastructural development in these areas cans for a review from time to time. Hence, the competent authority has decided to review the status of all hard and tenure stations.

3. In order to take an appropriate view on continuation/discontinuation addition of any new station in this category, it is requested that your considered views in respect of hard and tenure stations falling under your jurisdiction may be communicated to HQrs office latest by 15th April 2018 in the enclosed proforma. While forwarding your comments, the degree of climatic/topographic hardships at these stations, availability of basic facilities like schools, hospitals, accommodation etc., accessibility of the station by rail or road or any other mean and effect of revised tenure on volunteers for different stations, if any, may be taken into

(Kavita Garg)

Order Copy


Applicability Of Provisions Of “Persons With Disabilities

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Equal Opportunities, Protection and Rights to Persons with Disabilities

“Applicability of provisions of “Persons with Disabilities (Equal opportunities, protection and rights and full participation) Act, 1995”


RBE No.46/2018


New Delhi, dated 23.03.2018

The GMs/Prinicipal Financial Advisers,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units etc.,
(As per mailing list)

Sub: Retirement of Government Servant under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 and Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules-applicability of provisions of “Persons with Disabilities (Equal opportunities, protection and rights and full participation) Act, 1995”.

A copy of Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW)’s O.M. 21/1/16-P&PW(F) dated 30th September, 2016 on the above subject is enclosed for information and compliance. These instructions shall apply mutatis mutandis on the Railways also. Rule 38, 48 & 48-A of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, correspond to Rule 55,66 & 67 of the Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993 respectively and Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939 correspond to Railway Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1993. Department of Personnel & Training’s O.Ms No. 18017/1/2014-Estt.(L) dated 25.02.2015 and No. 25012/1/2015-Estt.(A-IV) dated 19.05.2015 referred to in the enclosed O.M. dated 30.09.2016, have been adopted on Railways vide this office’s letter No. E(P&A)I-2017/CPC/LE-5 dated 30.08.2017.

(G. Priya Sudarsani)
Joint Director, Finance (Estt.),
Railway Board.

Source: NFIR

Online Pension Sanction And Payment Tracking System Called ‘BHAVISHYA

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BHAVISHYA – Pension Sanction & Payment Tracking System

An Initiative of Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare


Department of P&PW has introduced an online Pension Sanction and Payment Tracking System called ‘BHAVISHYA’. Actions for timely payment of retirement dues and issue of Pension Payment Order (PPO) start one years before the date of retirement of the employee. There are a number of intervening stages and the system will pinpoint delays at each stage to enable timely interventions. The tracking can be done by the retiring employee as well as the administrative authorities.

In addition, forms required during the process are available in electronic format. The retiring employee can fill the forms online. It facilitates the administrative authorities by processing the claims and passing on the calculated amounts and other details to the Pay and Accounts Offices. The new system will also capture personal information, service data and contact details like mobile number and e-mail etc. The retiring employees will be kept informed of the progress of pension sanction process through SMS/E-mail.

Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare has implemented an online system called ‘BHAVISHYA’ for retiring central government civil employees. The system provides for on-line tracking of pension sanction and payment process. Tracking can be done by the individual as well as the administrative authorities for all actions preparatory to grant of pension and other retirement benefits. This is in line with the priorities of Government to ensure transparency and accountability in systems and processes.

At present, Bhavishya is implemented in main secretariat of 89 Ministries/ Departments except Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Defence, Department of Post, Department of Atomic Energy, Department of Tele communication and some security related sensitive organizations.

There is no such proposal to revamp the payment of pension through Public Sector Banks. However, the data base for the existing pensioners is being updated by the Authorized Banks for pensions’ payment once in a year through master data reconciliation with Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) and from time to time based on the Special Seal Authority (SSA) issued by CPAO to Central Pension Processing Centers (CPPCs) of Banks.

The Authorized Banks submit the report of payment of pension through e-scrolls to CPAO after making the payment of pension. Life Certificate is submitted by the Central Civil Pensioners/ Family Pensioners in the month of November every year and excess payment of pension may happen if the pensioner dies before the coming November, i.e., the next due date of submission of Life Certificate. If excess/ wrong payment of pension is paid to the pensioner by Public Sector Banks then entire amount is recovered by the Banks from the pensioners/ family pensioners as per the guidelines of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in this regard. During the financial year 2016-17, an amount of about Rs. 73 crore was received/ recovered from the Authorized Banks by the Central Pension Accounting Office in respect of central civil pensioners/family pensioners.

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