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Tamil Nadu Government Employees Pension Ready Reckoner Calculation

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TN Pension Ready Reckoner Calculation – Concordance Table for TN Pensioners

[Vide G.O.Ms.No.313, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, Dated: 25-10-2017]


Tamil Nadu Government Employees Encashment Of Leave Salary

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TN Pension Calculation : Encashment of Leave Salary


ENCASHMENT OF LEAVE SALARY OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AT THE TIME OF RETIREMENT / DEATH : At the time of retirement, encashment of leave upto a maximum of 330 days shall be allowed. This shall include encashment of upto 240 days of accumulated Earned Leave and 180 days of accumulated Unearned Leave on Private Affairs, convertible into 90 days for full pay.

Consequent on revision of pay notionally with effect from 1-1-2016 to 30-09-2017, pensioners / family pensioners who have availed leave encashment calculated based on pre-revised scale of pay consequent to retirement / death of Government employee between 1-1-2016 and 30-09-2017 shall be paid the difference between leave encashment entitled based on revised pay structure and leave encashment already sanctioned based on pre-revised scale of pay.

Retirement And Death Gratuity For Tamil Nadu Government Employees From 1-1-2016

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TN Retirement Gratuity – Retirement and Death Gratuity from 1.1.2016


RETIREMENT / DEATH GRATUITY : The rates for payment of death gratuity shall be revised with effect from 1-1-2016 as follows:-

The maximum limit of Retirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity shall be enhanced from the existing Rs.10 lakh to Rs.20 lakh with effect from 1-1-2016. The ceiling on gratuity shall increase by 25% of Rs.20 lakh, i.e. Rs.5 lakh each time the rate of dearness allowance crosses a multiple of 50 percentage points.

Retirement Gratuity for employees who have retired between 1-1-2016 and 30-09-2017 and Death Gratuity in respect of employees who have died between 1-1-2016 and 30-09-2017 shall also be reworked in accordance to clauses (1) and (2). In such cases, pensioners / family pensioners shall be entitled to payment of differential amount between the gratuity thus worked out and that has been paid earlier.

Tamil Nadu Government Employees Commutation Of Pension

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TN Commutation of Pension – Pensioners who have retired between 1-1-2016 and 30-09-2017


There shall be no change in the provision relating to commutation values, the limit upto which the pension can be commuted or the period after which the commuted pension is to be restored. Commutation of pension shall accordingly be calculated on pension determined as per provision in paragraph 15 above for employees who retire after 1-1-2016. The commuted portion of pension, wherever applicable, shall be deducted from the pension while making monthly disbursements.

Pensioners who have retired between 1-1-2016 and 30-09-2017 and have commuted their pre-revised pension as per the Tamil Nadu Civil Pension (Commutation) Rules, 1944 shall be entitled to commute the additional amount of pension consequent to revision of pension. Such pensioners shall be allowed to file a revised option, to be exercised within 3 months from the date of issue of this order, for commutation of the additional amount of pension consequent on revision of pension. They shall also be permitted to exercise option to not to commute the difference in pension consequent on revision of pay / pension. In case of failure to exercise the option, the default option shall be to not to commute the additional amount of pension.

In respect of pensioners who have retired between 1-1-2016 and 30-09-2017, the age reckoned for calculation of commuted value of pension at the time of original application for commutation of pension shall apply for additional commutation of pension.

In respect of pensioners who have retired between 1-1-2016 and 30-09-2017 but have died before issue of this order, commutation of additional amount of pension consequent to revision shall not be permissible since option cannot be exercised in such cases.

As the entitlement of revised pension shall be inclusive of commuted portion of pension, the commuted portion, wherever applicable, shall be deducted from the pension while making monthly disbursement.

Minimum And Maximum Pension For Tamil Nadu Government Employees From 1-1-2016

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TN Pension Calculation – Minimum and Maximum Pension from 1.1.2016

Minimum revised pension shall be Rs.7,850/- per month

The ceiling limit for pension, family pension and enhanced family pension shall be revised from Rs.38,500/- to Rs.1,12,500/- (i.e. 50% of maximum pay in Pay Matrix of Rs.2,25,000/-), from Rs.23,100/- to Rs.67,500/- (i.e. 30% of maximum pay in Pay Matrix of Rs.2,25,000/-) and Rs.38,500/- to Rs.1,12,500/- respectively. Therefore, if the revised pension or family pension or enhanced family pension worked out as detailed in paragraph (i) above exceeds the applicable ceiling limit, it shall be restricted to Rs.1,12,500/-, Rs.67,500/- and Rs.1,12,500/-respectively.

The minimum revised pension / family pension / enhanced family pension shall be Rs.7,850/- per month. Therefore, if the revised pension / family pension / enhanced family pension worked out as detailed in (i) is less than Rs.7,850/- per month, it shall be stepped upto Rs.7,850/-.

7th CPC Of Tamil Nadu Employees Pension Calculation

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TN 7th CPC Pension Calculation – Illustration for Pre-2016 Pensioners

The existing pension / family pension / enhanced familypension as on 31-12-2015, including the commuted portion but excluding additional pension applicable to pensioners / family pensioners of age 80 years and more, shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.57 and rounded off to the next higher ten rupee to arrive at the revised pension / family pension / enhanced family pension.

The pension / family pension of a pensioner / family pensioner drawing Rs.6300/- shall be refixed as follows:

Pensioner ‘A’ retired on 31st August 1991, in the pay scale of Rs.2200-75-2800-100-4000 [Fifth Tamil Nadu Pay Commission scales of pay] after rendering full qualifying service and drawing a pension of Rs.11,000/- as on 31-12-2015. The corresponding pay scales in the subsequent pay revisions i.e. Rs.8000-275-13500 with effect from 1-1-1996 and Rs.15600-39100 plus Grade Pay of Rs.5400/- with effect from 1-1-2006. The revised pension shall be fixed as follows:

Pensioner ‘B’ retired on 31st May, 2015 in the scale of pay of Rs.37400-67000 with Grade Pay Rs.8800 with last pay drawn of Rs.46,200 after rendering full qualifying service:

7th CPC - Commercial Allowance : Report of the Committee Allowance

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Commercial Allowance (Para 8.17.21) Report of the Committee Allowance – 7th Pay Commission

3.5.1 Commercial Allowance (Para 8.17.21)

Existing Provisions: This allowance is granted to Announcers, ECRCs, Commercial clerks, TCs of Indian Railways for performing certain commercial duties at the rate of ₹180 per month.

Reasons mentioned by 7 th CPC for recommending abolition: The amount of the allowance is meagre and no valid justification has been provided for its continuation.


National Council (Staff Side), JCM: This allowance should be retained as it is granted to commercial staff posted in „D‟ class stations where no ASM is posted.

Analysis and Recommendations of the Committee:

The Committee is of the view that the duties performed by those receiving this allowance may be of a commercial nature but are part of their normal duties. As such, the demand for its continuation is not justified. The Committee further notes that the Ministry of Railways has also not supported the demand for continuation of this allowance. Administering an allowance, even if the rates are meagre, entails administrative costs. Therefore, the recommendation to abolish this allowance has to be seen as part of the simplification and rationalization of the entire structure of allowances undertaken by the 7th CPC. The Committee, therefore, recommends that the 7th CPC recommendation to abolish Commercial Allowance may be accepted cpc

7th CPC - Headquarters Allowance : Report Of The Committee Allowances

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Headquarters Allowance : Report of the Committee Allowance 

Headquarters Allowance (Para 8.10.25, 8.10.80)

Existing Provisions: It is granted to Organized Group „A‟ Services in DoT and certain other Ministries upon posting at headquarters. The existing rate as per the 7th CPC Report is ₹225 per month. The rate may actually be higher in some other Departments.

Reasons mentioned by 7 th CPC for recommending abolition: The justification provided by the concerned Ministry for its continuance is not sufficient.

D/o Posts: This allowance should be restored and be paid at 10% of Basic Pay subject to a ceiling of ₹ 9,000 per month.

Analysis and Recommendations of the Committee:
The Committee notes that the allowance has been categorized by the 7th CPC under the group of Allowances related to Risk and Hardship. There is no reason to believe that hardships or challenges faced in a posting at headquarters are more in comparison to posting in a field formation. No additional justification has been furnished to the Committee for continuance of this allowance. Therefore, the Committee recommends that the 7th CPC recommendation to abolish Headquarters Allowance may be accepted.


7th CPC - Investigation Allowance (Report Of The Committee Allowances)

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Investigation Allowance (Para 8.17.63) : Report of the Committee Allowances 

Investigation Allowance (Para 8.17.63) 

Existing Provisions: It is granted in Serious Fraud Investigation Office, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, to attract talent pool from other Ministries. The existing rates are as under:     (₹per month)

Reasons mentioned by 7th CPC for recommending abolition: There is no justification for continuation of this allowance.

Ministry of Corporate Affairs: The personnel of Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) are largely on deputation and SFIO may be unable to attract people from outside after abolition of this allowance. Moreover, currently employed officers may also leave the SFIO which will weaken the office. Therefore, it has been requested to continue this allowance.

Analysis and Recommendations of the Committee:
This allowance exists only in SFIO. As the personnel of SFIO are largely on deputation they will be eligible for Deputation Allowance. Therefore, the Committee recommends that7 th CPC recommendation to abolish Investigation Allowance may be accepted.

Employment News - Job Recruitment November 2017

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Employment News - Job Recruitment November 2017

Job Recruitment November 2017

Post of Name: Scientists/Assistant/Manager/Section Officer
Total Posts: 79
Last Date:19.11.2017(Click more details)

Central Industrial Security Force
Total Posts:378
Last Date:20.11.2017(Click more details)

Name of Post:Junior Research Fellows (JRF) and Research Associates (RA)
Total Vacancy:84
Last Date:17.11.2017(Click more details)

Last Date:17.11,2017(Click more details)

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Name of Post:Deputy Registrar,Sports Officer ,Security Officer
Total Post:114
Last Date:22.11.2017(Click more details)

Source:Employment News

Language Reward and Allowance : Report of the Committee Allowances

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Language Reward and Allowance (Para 8.9.39, 8.9.40) : Report of the Committee Allowances 

Language Reward and Allowance (Para 8.9.39, 8.9.40)

Existing Provisions: This allowance is payable to MEA officers who have learnt optional foreign language when posted in the region where the language is main language or widely used. The present rate varies from ₹100 pm for “proficient” to ₹200 pm for “above proficient”.

Reasons mentioned by 7th CPC for recommending abolition: The amount of the allowance is meagre.


I. National Council (Staff Side), JCM: This allowance should continue as it is granted for promoting Hindi Language, which is official language of the country.

II. Ministry of External Affairs: This allowance should be retained and the quantum of allowance be decided by MEA.

Analysis and Recommendations of the Committee:
The Committee is of the view that the rates of this allowance are meagre, more so when compared to other allowances such as Foreign Allowance paid to MEA officials when posted in Missions/ Posts abroad. The assertion of the JCM that this allowance is paid to promote Hindi language is not correct as this allowance is paid to learn optional foreign language.Therefore, the Committee recommends that the 7th CPC recommendation to abolish Language Reward and Allowance may be accepted.

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