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Disbursement of salary for the month of February 2017 on 27th February To Central Government Employees

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Disbursement of salary for the month of February 2017 on 27th February 2017 on account of nation-wide bank strike on 28th February 2017.

Government of India
Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan,
E-Block, GPO Complex, INA. New Delhi-110023
Tel: 24665384, Fax: 24649365 E-mail:

Dated 23rd February 2017

Office Memorandum

Subject: Disbursement of salary for the month of February 2017 on 27th February 2017 on account of nation-wide bank strike on 28th February 2017.

The United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU) has given a nationwide strike call on 28th February, 2017. Banks are likely to remain closed on that day and even files for the e-payment of salary for the month of February 2017 which is due for 28th February, 2017 may not get processed resulting in salary of Central Government employees not being disbursed on 28th February 2017.

There being banks holidays on account of Maha Shivaratri (24th February, 2017) at many places, 4th Saturday (25th February, 2017) and Sunday (26th February, 2017), Hence, salary e-payment files processed on PFMS/COMPACT should be uploaded today i.e. 23rd February, 2017 with NPB of 27th February, 2017. If such files have already been uploaded with NPB of 28th February, 2017 the same also would need to be changed to facilitate payment of salaries on 27th February, 2017.

All Ministries/Departments are requested to take necessary action to upload their salary payments e-files latest by 23rd February, 2017 with NPB of 27th February, 2017 so that salary to the Central Government employees are paid in time.

All accredited banks are also requested to follow the above directions and release the salary for the month of February 2017 on 27th February 2017.

(Neeraj Kumar Sharma)
Dy.Controller General of Accounts(RBD)


Recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission- bunching of stages in the revised pay structured under Central Civil Services ( Revised Pay ) Rules, 2016.

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Recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission- bunching of stages in the revised pay structured under Central Civil Services ( Revised Pay ) Rules, 2016.

OM No.A-60015/1/2016/MF.CGA(A)/NGE/7th CPC/601 Dated 23rd February, 2017

No.A-20015/1/2016/MF.CGA(A)/NGE/7th CPC/601
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts

Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan,
E Block, GPO Complex, INA
New Delhi-110023

Dated: 23rd February, 2017


Sub: Recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission – bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

Consequent to the issue of Implementation Cell, Department of Expenditure OM No.1-6/2016-IC dated 7th September, 2016, a number of representations have been received from AAOs under this organization through their respective Min./Deptt. regarding fixation of pay by bunching of stages in comparison with Sh.Babu Balram Jee, AAO, CPWD, IBBZ-I, Malda M/o UD in terms of the OM ibid. With a view to facilitate the accounting organisations under CGA, the service book of Sh.Babu Balram Jee, AAO duly audited has been obtained from the M/o UD. The pay details of Sh.Babu Balram Jee, AAO are as follows”

1. Basic Pay (Pay in the Pay Band plus Grade Pay) in the pre revised structure on 1.1.2016: Rs.14900/- (Rs.10100 + Rs.4800)

2. Revised Basic Pay on 1.1.2016 in terms of Revised Pay Rules, 2016: Rs.47600/- (1st Cell of 8th Level)

All respective accounting units of Ministries/Departments concerned may extend the benefit of bunching to eligible persons in adherence to the Department of Expenditure OM No.1-6/2016-IC dated 7th September, 2016. The statement of pay fixation under Central Civil Services(Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 of Sh.Babu Balram Jee, AAO is also enclosed.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

(Sandeep Malhotra)
Sr.Accounts Officer

Click to view the “State of fixation of pay under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016”


Clarification on Benchmark for Promotion

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Clarification on Benchmark for Promotion

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Personnel Division

Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110 001
Dated the 1st February, 2017

All Chief Postmaster(s) General

Subject: Clarification on Benchmark for Promotion


I am directed to refer to subject cited above and to say that the modalities of the benchmark to be taken for pormotion after implementation of 7th Pay Commission Report has been examined in consultation with Department of Personnel & Training (DOPT). DoPT has stated that the modalities of the benchmark are being examined in consultation with UPSC and Department of Legal Affairs. In this regard, all Circles are, hereby, requested to follow instructions contained in DOPT’s OM No.35034/7/97-Estt(D) dated 8.02.2002 untill further clarification is uploaded/issued by DOPT on its website or issued by DoP. A copy of DOPT’s ID No.1211382/2016/CR dated 8.12.2016 is enclosed.

Yours faithfully,
(Satya Narayana Dash)
Assistant Director General (SPN)


Click to view the reference order issued by DoPT dated on 8.2.2002

Grant of meeting to discuss about the Ordnance Factories

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Grant of meeting to discuss about the Ordnance Factories


Date: 20.02.2017

Shri. Manohar Parikkar,
Hon’ble Defence Minister
Govt. of India
South Block, New Delhi.

Sub: Grant of meeting to discuss about the Ordnance Factories.

Respected Sir,

It has to come to our notice that the Prime Minister’s Office vide their ID No.4570319/2017/DS(VK) dated 15/02/2017 has asked the OFB to forward the following information in respect of Ordnance Factories

i) Complete listing of products manufactured by Ordnance Factories along with a photo of each product, description of each product, number of items of each product produced in each of the last three completed financial years, and value of production of each product in each of the last three completed financial years.

ii) Complete listing of all existing Ordnance Factories along with the list of products manufactured by each factory, factory-wise number of items of each product produced in each of the last three completed financial years, factory wise value of production of each product in each of the last three completed financial years, the quantum of land owned by each factory and the number of employees in each factory.

The above letter has been circulated by OFB to all Ordnance Factories. After receipt of this letter the Factory employees have started approaching this Federation seeking the background of issue of a such a letter from the Office of Hon’ble Prime Minister. Since we are in dark about the reason / background in this regard. We are not in a position to reply to the employees. Therefore we being one of the major stake holder of the OFB organization we would like to meet you in person and discuss about our apprehensions. Since the issue being common we propose that the three recognized Federations of MoD may please be granted a meeting with your honour.

With kindest regards,

Yours Sincerely,

General Secretary

Source: INDWF

Allowances And Revised Pay For KV Employees

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Implementation of 7th CPC in Kendriya Vidyalayas will be issued separately in a later date – KVS Orders

Kendriva Vidvalava Sangathan
18, Institutional Area
Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi-16

F.No.110239/51/Cir./2016/KVS (Budget)

Dated: 15.02.2017

A copy of 0M No.1/1/2016-E.III(A) dated 13th January, 2017 issued by the Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, Dept. of expenditure rega rding Pay revision of employees of Quasi-Government Organizations, Autonomous Organizations, Statutory Bodies etc. set up by and funded/ controlled by the Central Government — Guidelines regarding is forwarded herewith for information.

Guidelines/Orders for implementation of 7th CPC recommendations in the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan/Kendriya Vidyalayas will be issued separately in a later date. Revised Pay & Allowances should be drawn only after receipt of orders from KVS (HQ).

Deputy Commissioner (Fin.)


Click here to view the order of Autonomous Organisations

Revised The Rates Of Subscription To CGHS For CG Employees And Pensioners

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Increase in CGHS contribution BPS request reconsideration of Subscription under CGHS pre 2016 pensioners



Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda
Hon’ble Minister of Health & Family Welfare
Union of India, Nirman Bhawan,
New Delhi – 110 001.

Subject: Reconsideration of Rates of Subscription under Central Govt. Health Scheme revised account of revision of pay & Allowance/Pensions consequent upon implementation of 7th CPC recommendations.

Reference: Office Memoranda No.S.11011/11/2016 CGHS(P)/EHS dated: January 1, 2017 and January 13, 2017 of GOI, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, EHS section, New Delhi – 110 001.


Ministry of Health & Family Welfare vide their memo-randa referred above has revised the rates of subscription to CGHS for Central Govt. Employees and Pensioners effective from February 1, 2017. Bharat Pensioners Samaj, a Federation of all India central Govt Civil Pensioners Associations including defence civilians. Postal and Railway having over 650 affiliates/associates, has received numerous representations from individual members who retired long back and wish to enroll themselves now under CGHS and also from affiliates on the exorbitant hike in the subscription rates of availing CGHS facilities.

2. BPS wishes to draw your attention to the fact that many of the past pensioners did not join CGHS at the time of their retirement for reason that CGHS had no facilities in the city chosen by the pensioners for their post-retirement settlement, mostly at their native places. Sir, you may be aware that CGHS is available only in 26 cities of India, the latest inaugurated at Visakhapatnam January 9,2017 by your honour along- with Shri M Venkaiah Naidu, Hon’ble Minister for Urban Development, Hoursing & Urban Povetty Alleviation; parliamentary Affairs, UOI. CGHS facilities in 26 cities is too short a medicare facility for 10.81 lac Central Govt Pensioners/family pensioners plus 5.55 lax defence civilian pensioners plus 3.25 lac postal pensioners i.e 19.61 lac of pensioners/family pensioners scattered throughout the country.

3. The old pensioners desirous of joining CGHS now, on opening of center at the place of their residences or their shifting to a place where CGHS facility is available for some family compulsions, may not find it financially viable to subscribe at the new rates especially shedding subscription for ten years to become whole life member effective from February 1, 2017. Para 5(v) of memo dated January 9,2017, under refernece, reads, “Any pensioner/Family Pensioner who is entitled to avail CGHS facility has not so far got his/her pensioner CGHS card made, the rate of contributions in such cases will be with reference to the level of pay that he/she would have drawn in the post held by him/her (at the time of his/her retirement/death) had he/she continued to be in service now but for his/her retirement/death. Sir, a middle level pensioner retired in February, 1994 from the pay scale of 3000-4500/- (level 11) has till now got an increase in his pension to the tune 9.24 times against which his subscription to CGHS now at the new rates contained in memo of January 9, 2017 is hiked by 108.33 times i.e. 78,000/- now against 720/- subscribed in 1994. An illustration, in support of this with full calculations, is attached as an annexure and may kindly be glanced through.

4. Bharat Pensioners Samaj requests you to come to the rescure of old pensioners and advise the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to review the new rates prescribed keeping in view the financial viability vis-a-vis rising cost of living and not depriving old pensioners of availing the facility at a stage when it is made available to them by the GOI. Fixing of subscription for old pensioners varying with the number of years passed since retirement/death may please be kept low compared to pensioners retired in later years.

with regards,
yours truly,

(S C Maheshwari)
SG BPS/Er/ C Rlys.

Enclosure: One

Source: BPS

Two Greatest Expectations From The Allowance Committee Report...

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Central Government employees’ two greatest expectations from the Allowance Committee report…!

"Answers have not yet been found for the two big questions that are troubling the Central Government employees over the Allowance Committee report."

Reports continue to pour in that the committee on allowances constituted under the chairmanship of Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa is all set to submit its revision report on the recommendations given by the Seventh Pay Commission on the allowances that are being given to the Central Government employees. 

There are no confirmed reports of the exact date on which the report would be submitted. The information available now come from unconfirmed and unauthorized sources. The news media claimed that the NJCA leaders were going to meet Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa today. The federation has not yet given any confirmed information. 

Nearly 50 percent of the salary increment has not yet been given to the Central Government employees. Only the Basic Pay have been revised; all the other allowances, including the HRA, continue to remain the same and are being calculated as per the 6th CPC. 

The Central Government had, on 25.07.2016, published authorized Notification declaring that the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission are going to be implemented. Only the revised pay is being given from August onwards. Only the salary arrears are due from January 2016 onwards are being issued. 

House Rent Allowance (HRA) is a very important allowance being given to Central Government employees. For the past 10 years, HRA for Central Government employees is being calculated on the basis of the population of the town or city where they are employed. The towns and cities are classified as X, Y, and Z, based on the population, and a HRA of 30, 20, and 10 percent respectively are given to them. The Seventh Pay Commission had reduced it to 24, 16, and eight percent. 

Normally, the allowances are calculated from the day when the new Pay Commission recommendations get implemented. 

Here, the two questions that keep troubling the Central Government employees:

1. What percentage of HRA has the Allowance Committee report recommended?
2. From which will the revised HRA be implemented, or, will it be given retrospective effect?


Government Launched Free Anti-Virus for Personal Computers and Mobiles

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Central Govt Launched Free Anti-Virus for PC and Mobile

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) launches Cyber Swachhta Kendra – Botnet Cleaning and Malware Analysis Centre

Extending the ‘Swachh Bharat’ campaign to the cyber world, the Minister of Electronics and Information Technology, Shri. Ravi Shankar Prasad, today launched the Cyber Swachhta Kendra–Botnet Cleaning and Malware Analysis Centre for analysis of malware and botnets that affect networks and systems. This is a part of MeitY’s Digital India initiative aimed at creating a secure cyber space by detecting botnet infections in India and to notify, enable cleaning and securing systems of end-users to prevent further infections. The centre is operated by the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In).The Centre aims to enhance coordination between the Government and industry in order to encourage cyber hygiene among all end-users and to create a secure and safe internet ecosystem in India.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad, Hon’ble Minister of Electronics and Information Technology said, “India is going to take a lead in the digitization process of the world. India today joined the distinguished club of countries that have malware cleaning systems for the use of its citizens. As of now, we have 13 Banks & internet service providers using this facility. With the expanding digital footprint in the country, I see a surge in start-ups in the area of cyber security by the end of the year”

“With the expanding role of Information and Communication technology across sectors and growth in volume of transactions and data exchange via internet, Cyber Security as reiterated by Hon’ble Prime Minister, has emerged as the most critical factor when we move towards Digital India. Combating cyber threats is not something that can be done just by the government or an organisation or an individual alone. It requires a partnership approach. This centre being launched today will work in coordination with the Internet Service Providers and Industry. This Kendra will also enhance awareness among citizens regarding botnet and malware infection along with measures to be taken to secure their devices”, added Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad.

The Hon’ble Minister made the following announcement at the launch of Cyber Swachhta Kendra:

  • The National Cyber Coordination Centre to be operational by June 2017
  • Sectoral CERTs to be created, that would operate under CERT-In
  • CERTs are to be set up in the state level as well
  • 10 more STQC (Standardisation Testing and Quality Certification) Testing Facilities to be set up
  • Testing fee for any star-up that comes up with a digital technology in the quest of cyber security, to be reduced by 50%
  • Empower designated Forensic Labs to work as the certified authority to establish cyber crime

The Centre will operate in close co-ordination and collaboration with Internet Service Providers (ISP) and Anti-Virus companies. Whenever an infection is detected, the Centre will send alerts on the infected IP addresses to the Internet Service Providers, who in turn will inform the end-user about the malware and botnet infections on their system. The Centre will also work in close collaboration with the Banks to detect malware infections in their banking network and enable remedial actions. The launch of the Centre will help the Internet service providers and the banks to keep their networks clean and prevent cases of cyber fraud and theft.

Ms. Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology said, “With the increased penetration of ICT infrastructure in our country, the threat of cyber security has become more serious and visible. Today, the common man is confronted with hacking, spamming, malware and loss of data, yet public awareness about these issues and how to protect themselves is extremely low. There is a need to collaborate and come forth with solutions like the Cyber Swachhta Kendra in order to ensure a safe and secure cyber world for the citizens of India.”

With the growth in digitalization and proliferation of broadband and mobile internet, security of end users’ systems is vital for enhancing their trust in ICT and online transactions. User information from the computer and the mobile devices can be compromised if systems get affected with Bots. Users therefore need to practice a rigid cyber hygiene regimen to prevent malware infections on their systems and to ensure security of their systems through suitable anti-malware tools. The Cyber Swachhta Kendra will provide free tools for detection and removal of malicious programmes. More than 3500 users have currently downloaded and tried the free bot removal tools till date. The end-user can log on to the Cyber Swachhta Kendra Portal ( and clean their systems using the free cleaning tools. Users can also educate themselves about the various cyber threats and get information on the security tips in order to secure their computers, mobiles and prevent infections in their systems.

Given below are details of some of the tools released for citizens:

  • USB Pratirodh -A desktop security solution, which protects from USB mass storage device threats.
  • AppSamvid – A desktop solution which protects systems by allowing installation of genuine applications through white listing. This helps in preventing threats from malicious applications.
  • M-Kavach – An indigenously developed solution to address the security threats in mobiles.

For downloading the free bot & malware removal tools, please visit: (

Source: PIB News

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