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Contribution For Life Time CGHS Card For Pensioners

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Contribution for Life Time CGHS Card for Pensioners

LIFE TIME CARD : CGHS Card for Central Government Pensioners - Contribution as above depending on the Last grade pay at the time of retirement. Choice is with the individual. One can apply for Life time card by paying 10 years contribution together or one can apply for one year, two years etc. by paying for that applicable period.

The Plastic Cards (which are identity cards), would hereinafter be issued with validity till the pensioner beneficiary is entitled for CGHS benefits. In respect of pensioner CGHS beneficiaries, who have paid CGHS contribution for ‘'Rest of Life' CGHS facilities, the Plastic Cards would, hereinafter, be issued for 'Rest of Life'.

The ownership of CGHS Card can be transferred in the name of spouse on submission of required documents.

No extra payment to be made, in case of life time cards.

However in other cases one has to pay 10 years subscription for life time card For example, if the spouse had contributed for seven years before he expired , balance payment for the remaining three years is to be paid for a life time card.

Transfer Policy For IDAS Officers 2017: CGDA Order Dated 08.09.2017

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Transfer Policy for IDAS Officers 2017: CGDA Order dated 08.09.2017

Office of the CG DA
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.-10
No. AN-I/1170/1/ Transfer Policy

Date: 08.09.2017

All lDAS officers

Subject: Transfer Policy for IDAS officers, 2017.

"Transfer Policy for IDAS officers, 2017 " duly approved by the Competent Authority is circulated herewith for information of all concerned.

Enc: As above

(Sham Dev)

Transfer Policy for IDAS Officers, 2017

The Indian Defence Accounts Service has a cadre composed of directly recruited officers inducted through the UPSC Civil Services Examination as well as officers promoted from within the Department. Officers appointed to the Service have an all India liability including field service in or out of India. To achieve professionalism in the organizational goals, there is need to ensure career progression opportunities and individual growth and satisfaction to the officers.

The Defence Accounts Department is committed to provide a wide spectrum of Financial Management services to the Services and other related organizations like DRDO, BRO, Ordnance Factories, Coast Guard, etc. As per its mission statement, the department strives to achieve excellence and professionalism in accounting and financial services and in performing audit functions.

A transfer policy is imperative to meet the organizational goals and functional requirements of the cadre as well as to take into consideration professional and personal aspirations of the officers, thereby creating a motivated work force with an appropriate work-life balance. At the same time the policy does not preclude the placement of an officer due to administrative exigencies as well as the requirements of expertise for specific nature of jobs and to also give weightage to performance in the interest of achievement of specific targets or goals, including for extraordinary humanitarian considerations.

1. General principles:

These are in the nature of guiding principles to be followed within the broad framework of prevalent Government of India's guidelines/ instructions and organisational requirements/administrative compulsions.

a. Transfers/Posting will be effected based on the recommendations of the duly constituted Defence Accounts Department Placement Board (DAPB) for IDAS.

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Revision Of Hourly Rates Of Incentive Bonus - NFIR

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Revision of hourly rates of Incentive Bonus and Bonus Factor of Workshop/PUs in respect of staff governed under CRJ Pattern/GIS.

No. PC-VII/2017/R-U/28

New Delhi, dated: 05/09/2017

The General Secretary,
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi - 110055.

Sub: Revision of hourly rates of Incentive Bonus and Bonus Factor of Workshop/PUs in respect of staff governed under CRJ Pattern/GIS.

Please refer to your letter Nos. I/11/1 dated 08.08.2017 and dated 24.08.2017 wherein it has been brought to notice that in order dated 06.07.2017, in terms of reference the committee to examine the issue related to revision of hourly,rates of Incentive Bonus and Bonus Factors of Workshops/PUs under CRJ Pattern/GIS, level in the pay matrix and name of certain categories are not in order. In this context, it is stated that this has been taken on record and necessary rectification shall be done as under in para 2 of the order dated 06.07.2017 when Committee meets:

Name of the Category
Level in Pay Matrix
Sr. Technician
Level 6
Level 4

For secretary, Railway Board

Source: NFIR 

Grant Of Increment On Promotion Within Merged Scales In The Same Grade Pay Rs.4200

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Grant of increment on promotion within merged scales in the same Grade Pay Rs.4200

No. I/2/Part IV
Dated: 05/09/2017
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub : Grant of increment on promotion within merged scales in the same Grade Pay Rs.4200 - reg.

Ref: FA & CAO/T/SC Railway's letter No. ACP/KOO/Pt. VI (Restructuring) dated 06/01/2017 & 21/03/2017 and letter No. ACP/AO2/Pt. VI dated 01/08/2017 to Railway Board.

Federation invites attention of the Railway Board to the letters of FA & CAO/T/SC cited under reference, seeking clarification as to whether the staff promoted from same Grade Pay to same Grade Pay (Rs.GP 4200) i.e. from the post of Senior Cashier (GP 4200) to the post of Inspector of Cashier (10C/GP 4200) are entitled to draw an additional increment as they are shouldering responsibilities.

In this connection, Federation desires to state that the references sent by the South Central Railway have been pending in Board's Office since Jan 2017, even though the employees are eligible for additional increment on promotion to identical Grade Pay, shouldering higher responsibilities in terms of Rule S-13.

NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to issue clarificatory instructions allowing benefit under S13 to GM, S.C. Railway, endorsing copy to other Zonal Railways as well to the Federation.

Yours faithfully
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

Order Copy

Government Employees Responsible For Deletion Of The Name Of An Ineligible Dependent - CGHS

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Government Employees responsible for Deletion of the name of an ineligible Dependent

The undersigned is directed to state that in accordance with the definition of 'family' mentioned in Ministry of Health Memo. No. F.6(1) 1-54-H, dated the Ist May, 1954 the family of a beneficiary for the purpose of CGHS scheme includes husband/wife of the CGHS card-holder, as the case may be, wholly dependent children or step-children and parents, who are mainly dependent on and residing with the Government Servant. While it is incumbent upon the card issuing. Authorities, i.e. various departments and offices participating in the scheme, to ensure that the names of only genuine and eligible persons are included in the CGHS token cards, it is the responsibility of the employees concerned to apply for a deletion of the name of the dependent from the CGHS card, when the ward is no more entitled to the benefit eligible under the scheme. The failure on the part of a cardholder to get the name of a child deleted from the CGHS token-card when he is no more dependent on him is a good and sufficient reason for initiating disciplinary proceedings against him in terms of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965.

All Ministers/Departments of the Government of India are requested kindly to ensure that the above said provisions are complied with fully. These instructions may also be brought to the notice of all employees concerned.

Opting out of the C.G.H. Scheme

Spouse employed outside Central Government and availing Medical Facilities provided by his/her Employer
Central Government Servants covered under Central Govt. Health Scheme and whose spouse is employed in Defence or Railway Services, State Government or Corporations or Bodies financed partly or wholly by the Central or State Government, Local Bodies and private organizations which provide medical facilities to the employees and their family members, can opt out of the CGH Scheme and avail medical facilities so provided by the above mentioned organizations.
It is to be ensured that neither of the two nor their family members avail medical facilities from both the sources at the same time and for this purpose, the concerned Central Government employee shall give an undertaking to the authority issuing the CGHS Card.

Re-admission under CGHS after 'opting out'

Such Government Servants, who have opted out of CGHS, may apply for readmission and avail the benefit of CGHS in case their spouse dies or resigns or is dismissed from the office/organization, which provided medical facilities.

Availability of 'Opting Out' Facility

The facility of opting out of CGHS can only be availed twice during the whole service career of the employee. Administrative Ministry/Department shall record the same by making an entry in the employee's Service Book.

7th CPC Payment Of Dress Allowance To Railway Employees At Rs.10000/ Per Annum

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7th CPC - Payment of Dress Allowance to Railway employees at Rs.10000/- per annum

No. III/DR/2/Part IV
Dated : 05/09/2017

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Implementation of recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission - payment of Dress Allowance to Railway employees at Rs.10000/- per annum - reg.

Federation invites kind attention of Railway Board to para 8.16.14 of the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission, according to which, the Track Maintainers, Running Staff Car Drivers, Points Man, Technicians in Workshops etc., on Indian Railways who are supplied uniform and are required to wear dress regularly have been recommended to be paid Rs. 5000/- per year as Dress Allowance (including shoes).
Vide foot note to the above recommendation, the 7th CPC has also recommended that the
Ministries/Departments may take a decision on "whether the rates should be Rs. 5000/- per year or Rs. 10,000/- per year". This recommendation has been accepted by the Government.

In this connection, NFIR points out that the Dress Allowance amount of Rs.5000/- per annum is very much inadequate to take care of the annual requirement of the staff in Railways, particularly due to the reason that staff of Railway categories' are required to wear the uniform regularly while on duty as per extant rules.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to consider payment of Dress Allowance at Rs.10,000/- per annum to the Track Maintainers, Running Staff, Ticket Checking Staff, Pointsmen, Technicians etc., and accordingly issue instructions to GMs etc.,

A copy of the instructions issued may be endorsed to the Federation.

Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

Source: NFIR 

Productivity Linked Bonus For The Financial Year 2016-17 To Be Paid In The Current Year 2017

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Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2016-17 to be paid in the current year 2017

Registration No. : RTU/Nnn/31/2012

No. I/10/Part IV
Dated 08/09/2017.
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2016-17 to be paid in the current year 2017

Ref: Railway Board's letter No. E(P&A)II-2017/PLB-3 dated 02/08/2017.

Kind attention of Railway Board is invited to the discussions held on 4th August, 2017 in the Chamber of Additional Member (Staff), wherein the Federation has explained the need to acord approval for payment if Productivity Linked Bonus equivalent to not less than 78 days wages as was done in the previous years.

NFIR again places the facts as below for immediate action for sanction:
The output given by Railway employees has been very much on high side particularly in the context of non-filling of over 2lakh vacancies and additional burden borne by the existing staff since the last two years.

Capital input should not be taken into consideration as the utilization of the said capital is not in the hands of workers.

During the previous six years, the PL Bonus was paid to the Railway employees equivalent to 78 days wages, therefore any reduction in number of days would cause serious resentment in view of the fact that Rail Workforce has been contributing for productivity inspite of difficult working conditions and heavy shortage of staff due to non-filling of vacancies and non-creation of new posts for new assets built.

In fact, the Railway Ministry should consider motivating the staff by granting more number of days wages than previous year at this juncture.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to kindly take action for sanctioning the P.L. Bonus equivalent to not less than 78 days wages. It is also requested that payment may be arranged before commencement of Dussehra Pooja Holidays.

Federation may be kept apprised of the action taken in the matter.

Yours faithfully
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

Source: NFIR 

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